


Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Dangerous Attraction at Work

It happens to a lot of women and girls everyday, you see this beautiful gorgeous guy and you imagine yourself in bed with him.hmmmm. what do you do if you work at the same place with this magical guy.

Do you take the plunge and offer sex without strings, friends with benefit kind of thing, or do you just dream and hopes one day your brain will return to normal.

Can women have sex without attachment and commitment like men and feel happy?  what do one do when she is in such a situation, having sleepless night wondering if she should pounds on her prey or play the hunting game a bit longer.

I will reporting on how my beautiful friend Dina, handles this little drama in her head with the crush on the gorgeous guy at work who does not even knows she is around.

We wait and see if the hunter becomes the hunted.


Friday, September 23, 2011

Poor Hygiene

I was sitting at the doctor's surgery last week with my 5 year old daughter. Walked in a young mother with two children, the kids looks like they have been rolling on the street.  kids were between 4 and 3. The older one appears to be 4 kept crying "oh mummy my pussy hurts" she kept scratching herself. Poor kid was in pain from poor hygiene. I know a lot of mum's do not bath their kid in the morning, only in the evening's for bed. 

When you have girls it a good idea to make a warm bath every morning to wash them. Mother's must put themselves in their kids shoes to know how this poor kids feel. if you do not have time it takes a few minute's to rinse them in the shower. 

A good hygiene and a clean child will result in a more calm child.  We wonder why our kids are so grumpy in the morning or at school. As an adult, wake up straight from bed and put on your work clothes and eat some sugary cereal and see how you will feel around mid morning. 

Few minutes of rinsing our kids in the shower will make a big difference in their day. Try it.