


Thursday, May 2, 2013

Being a stay home mum is not easy

Some days are really good, where the baby or the children are perfect and the housework runs on time. But there comes days when everything is too much.  You wish you could have a break from it all.  Husband is working and you have no one to leave the children with. I really hate those days.

I find being a stay home mum is not easy as people think, it is harder than being a working mum. ( I don't care what people think, that my opinion).  When you have a bad day at work, you can go out of your office and have a break for 5 or 30 min alone. You cannot do that if a small baby is screaming his or her lungs out.

Anyway those days happens to all mum's sometimes, we need to take a deep breath and know it will not last forever.  Our children are a blessings, it is the society we lives in which makes motherhood harder.

Goodnight everyone.  Hopefully a cheerful blog tomorrow.

berryblum xo

Saturday, April 27, 2013

The Perfect Mum - How does she do it

Every morning before dropping off my 7 year old to school, i try very had to look decent and dress up a bit in the morning. It not an easy job, it is mission impossible. But i can assure you there are some mums who look like they drop off the cover of a fashion magazine in the school early in the morning, dropping of their daughters. 

I was driving through the school one day and saw this mum with her daughter walking towards the classroom, the mum looks so perfect with her bleached blond straight hair in place and full on make up.  That morning i was up at 6.00am and still got out of the house looking like some homeless person who had not slept for days.  The first thoughts that came to my mind was how did she do it? What time did she wake up to look that perfect and still drop off her child on time. I was left feeling puzzle and disoriented as a mother. Thinking maybe i am not such a good mother or coping well as i should. (I look like shit and my daughter is mostly late often).

Well as luck will have it, i got my chance to find out after a few weeks when the mums of my daughter class decided to meet one afternoon after school for a picnic and this wonderful perfect mum happens to have her daughter in the same class as mine. Most of the mums i spoke to you said "oh she has only have one child that why, and she always looks perfect anyway, we have never seen her looking anything less before"

There you go, only child is the way to go if you want to have a life and look like a decent human being. Well i guess that confirms mission impossible for me, having a month old baby on my hands and a 7 year old.  I am lucky if i get 5 hours sleep straight in the night. It will be like winning the lotto. To look that perfect i need to wake up at 5.30 and apply a full on make up. hmmmm do i really want to look that perfect? Yes i do, i will be liar if i say no... but will i wake up at such ungodly hour to do it, i guess not.  The mind wants to but the body is saying no no no.

Conclusion is i will try and save some money and buy a good foundation and powder all in one, to apply quickly in the car while my 7 year old is getting her big school bag into the car (which takes her a few seconds).
Looking good gives confidence and i need a boost now and then......

Good night everyone, until next time.... xoxo berryblum almost crazy 

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Getting a routine with baby at home- first few weeks

Coming home with a new baby is not easy the first few weeks.  You need to be prepared before you go  into hospital.  No amount of preparation will prepare you for the task ahead.  You soon realise being in the hospital was like staying in five star resort.  At home, it is you and the new arrival alone.

I find it easier to let the baby set the routine and pace of how it going to run. if you decide to have your routine enforce on this new arrival good luck with that, it will only lead to more stress and anxiety.

New born babies cry for a reason, it not true some babies just like to cry. With my second one i threw my routine out of the window and said to myself "okay baby you set the new routine for me" she cries i change her nappy, after nappy change she still cries i feed her. At some point you will find out why she is crying and it will stop.

Bath time is very important for babies who cannot settle, if you decide to wash baby once a day, and you do it in the mornings and night time baby is unsettle, it means baby need a bath too in the evening. How will you feel if you are told to go to bed every night without a wash. Warm bath in the evening and a feed after bath will do wonders for you and your baby.

Noise is good for babies from day one, see how many people comes in and out of your hospital room and your baby still slept through it. So why tell everyone near your baby shhhhhhhhhhhhh! when you come home and then baby gets used to the quietness and as soon as a pin drop baby wakes up and cry. Let the normal noise in your house continue when you come home with your baby. I am not saying noise like rave parties, but don't stop other kids from playing if you have older kids because baby is sleeping. You are only setting yourself up for extra stress, where you cannot even watch TV or vacuum the house if you need to.

If you do not have help around you and the house is dirty, try to clean in the evening for 30min when baby is sleeping. Think of the cleaning as your daily exercise to get back into shape.

I feel very tired tonight, so i am going to log off early tonight and get and some sleep. You all have a lovey evening xoxo berryblum

Monday, April 22, 2013

Breastfeeding War

Breastfeeding War

Let get one thing straight, before we start shooting our bows.
Breastfeeding is the best source of food for any human beings or species born on planet earth during the first year of its life.

But breastfeeding is not always the best choice if one cannot do it, we have put so much stress and pressure on women to think breastfeeding is the ultimate best thing they have to do for their babies. As soon as one cannot do it, they are made to feel quilt and not good enough as mothers. Who in her right mind will not breastfeed if she has big tits overflowing with milk, that the whole point, not every mother can do it and we should stop making these mothers feel like shit.

I had my two kids by C-section and both came earlier before their due dates, it was really hard to breastfeed the first one, at the hospital the nurses kept pushing me to do it, came home with the expressing machine, sat at the dining table each day milking my tiny tits like a cow every hour. My baby was never settle and always crying because I did not have enough milk for her.  Finally saw a good Gp who told me to put her on the formula and that was the best thing, Baby slept well and only cried for food.

Fast forward to 6 years later, I have my second one now, C-section again, because both my children seem to like sleeping upside down in the tummy.  After the first experience with breastfeeding war at the hospital, I am much armed and prepared this time for any horrible nurses who are on a crusade on breastfeeding and those super knows it all mothers because they are lucky to breastfeed easily. 

Childbirth is not any easy thing, whether it is natural or C section, as usual after my C section I am wheeled into recovery room and shriving for the next two hours and in agony pains. Came back to my ward and my beautiful baby is lying there peacefully.  This one took to the breast easily, but not enough food, on the third day, I asked for top ups in formula. Came home and did mixed feeding, baby is happy and peaceful, mum is not too tired and a super bitch to the rest of the family……

To hell to those mothers who looks at you vindictively and says she is exclusively breast feeding, that good for you, but be smart to know that it not for everyone and supports those who can’t or just shut up.

Formula is not the enemy to babies, it is society stand on breast feeding which allows women to force themselves to do it while their babies are underweight and suffering for it because simply not everyone have enough milk in their tits…..

Good day for now, I have to go and bottle feed my baby…….

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Baby List Made Easy - 20 Things to Start your Journey

After months of being tired, sick and growing fat, you get a list of things to buy for your baby from the hospital where you will be giving birth.  It can be really expensive and confusing on what you need to buy especially if you are short on cash.

Going for second round in having a baby, i realise i don't need all the things listed in those baby books and hospital list.

I have come up with practical list of things one really needs:

Nappy rash cream - so many different product on the market, the best one i find is curash nappy rash cream, 

Powder - curash baby powder because it got the zinc oxide which heals the skin

Baby clothes - try not to buy too many newborn clothes, your tiny angel will grow in size so quickly, go for 000 instead of 0000

Baby face wash towels

Lot of white baby towels if you can afford it, because when you can home, there will be lots of nappy change times and if have enough towels you will not stress about the laundry.

Please do not buy bassinet's or change table if money is an issue, your baby can do without it. A new born can sleep straight away in his or her cot.  I change my baby on the couch in the spare room on a big white towel while i sit on one of those Ikea small chairs for children. And it seems to be working so far so good.

Another thing you definitely do not need is car capsule, you can buy a car seat which seat a baby from birth, which will save you money, to be use on other more important things for baby

Olive oil to moisture's baby skin is better than other oils for the baby.

A box of nappies and baby wipes for baby when you come home.

The rest will come you to when you settle in and get into your routine.

Babies don't need much, a clean baby is a happy baby.......

The List

  1. Baby cot
  2. car seat with booster
  3. baby clothes 0000
  4. White cotton towels
  5. Face wash towels
  6. Curash Nappy rash cream
  7. Curash powder
  8. Crush baby bath (soap free)
  9. Organic Olive Oil 
  10. Huggies Nappies
  11. Bottles for feeding in case you cannot breastfeed
  12. Steriliser
  13. cotton baby wraps cloth
  14. singlets
  15. Baby wipes
  16. Bibs 
  17. Dummies
  18. cotton baby hat
  19. wind drops to relief infant wind
  20. your favourite tea or coffee to calm you down when the madness set in.
The rest of what you need will come to you as you go on..........

Friday, April 19, 2013

Another baby again......

After 6 years, we decided to have another baby, and at long last she arrived in December 2012.

One forget the sleepless nights and mash up brain one get after baby arrives. it amazing how we women keeps having more.  But i swear this is my last one. I made that decision when the epidural was    being put in my back.

This pregnancy made me very ugly, I had it all name it.... Carpal tunnel syndrome, swollen feet, fat and ugly, i was not one of those beautiful pregnant women with a glow and in heels like looking sexxy.  The last thing i felt was sexy.

Baby came out beautiful and very good. I guess being ugly while pregnant i was compensated with a baby who hardly cries. 

Going second round with having a baby, i did not read any of the lying shit books on pregnancy and babies on the market, i learnt a lot from the first one and decided to learn from the mistakes i made and do what i did for the first one because the first one is beautiful and very normal which means i did okay.

No more listening to stupid comment from other mothers or being hurt or upset about their narrow minded comment.  women worst enemy is woman.

On my next blog, i will be listing things one needs before baby pops out.  All the crab we buy which we do not need.  But when it your first one one can end up buying a lot of unnecessary things.

I did, having this second one it so much easier and more clear on what i really need or can do without.

You all have a lovely weekend..... and come back soon xoxo