


Monday, April 22, 2013

Breastfeeding War

Breastfeeding War

Let get one thing straight, before we start shooting our bows.
Breastfeeding is the best source of food for any human beings or species born on planet earth during the first year of its life.

But breastfeeding is not always the best choice if one cannot do it, we have put so much stress and pressure on women to think breastfeeding is the ultimate best thing they have to do for their babies. As soon as one cannot do it, they are made to feel quilt and not good enough as mothers. Who in her right mind will not breastfeed if she has big tits overflowing with milk, that the whole point, not every mother can do it and we should stop making these mothers feel like shit.

I had my two kids by C-section and both came earlier before their due dates, it was really hard to breastfeed the first one, at the hospital the nurses kept pushing me to do it, came home with the expressing machine, sat at the dining table each day milking my tiny tits like a cow every hour. My baby was never settle and always crying because I did not have enough milk for her.  Finally saw a good Gp who told me to put her on the formula and that was the best thing, Baby slept well and only cried for food.

Fast forward to 6 years later, I have my second one now, C-section again, because both my children seem to like sleeping upside down in the tummy.  After the first experience with breastfeeding war at the hospital, I am much armed and prepared this time for any horrible nurses who are on a crusade on breastfeeding and those super knows it all mothers because they are lucky to breastfeed easily. 

Childbirth is not any easy thing, whether it is natural or C section, as usual after my C section I am wheeled into recovery room and shriving for the next two hours and in agony pains. Came back to my ward and my beautiful baby is lying there peacefully.  This one took to the breast easily, but not enough food, on the third day, I asked for top ups in formula. Came home and did mixed feeding, baby is happy and peaceful, mum is not too tired and a super bitch to the rest of the family……

To hell to those mothers who looks at you vindictively and says she is exclusively breast feeding, that good for you, but be smart to know that it not for everyone and supports those who can’t or just shut up.

Formula is not the enemy to babies, it is society stand on breast feeding which allows women to force themselves to do it while their babies are underweight and suffering for it because simply not everyone have enough milk in their tits…..

Good day for now, I have to go and bottle feed my baby…….

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